30 March 2012

5 People You Meet In Heaven

Have anyone of you watched or read the movie and book The 5 People You Meet In Heaven? At first, I thought it was going to be boring and all (lol I should really listen to my elders when they say "Don't judge a book by its cover"), but as the plot deepens, I found myself hooked on that movie. I even skipped eating with my friends just to finish it. I highly recommend this movie because it made me cry and it taught me some lessons about life. If you're wondering what it's about, the short summary is below.
The novel opens at Ruby Pier on Eddie's 83rd birthday. He goes about his normal routine until one of the rides breaks. Eddie gives a fellow worker, Dominquez, instructions on how to fix the ride; however, one of the carts breaks free from the ride and falls to the pier. Eddie jumps out of the way and tries to push a little girl out of the path of the falling cart. Eddie does not get out of the way in time and is killed by the falling cart.
(source: wikipedia)

I'm not going to say anymore about the movie because I don't want to give out spoilers, but other than the fact that I flopped when they mention the Philippines. Also, I really love the "colors" of the movie. I don't know how to explain it, but the lighting/colors they used really matched the setting. The music was cool too.

“All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time.”

28 March 2012

Google Maps

Okay...THIS IS THE MOST COOLEST THING EVER....other than rice cookers, but yeah. Since I'm young and jobless right now, I can't go to the place of my dreams *cough cough* Korea *cough cough* Instead , I go to Google Maps and just search up any place that I want to go to *cough cough* Seoul *cough cough* Hehe. Sorry about that, but anyways, what had happened was, I was in Technology class when Mr. Smith let us have a day off the computers. Well, I was there just bored and my seat mate/friend, Corey, was on Google Maps "going" to his dream place (Italy). So I thought why not and give it a try and "go" to Seoul. Obviously, I got lost in the middle of the street and I had no idea where I was. Overall, it was fun (even if it was just pictures that lets you move around) and I did get criticized a lot from my non-kpop friends about my obsession with Korea. 

Also, you know that teacher I've been complaining about lately? LOL. I was so right about not getting recommended for English Honors (it's not like I care anyways). And about that registration thing I mentioned on my last blog post *look below and the other one before,* I ended up taking French I instead of Modern Computing and Video Broadcasting. Don't blame me, I was forced to choose quickly because there was a long line behind me. Yup, just wanted to get that out of my chest. 

I've also been watching BubzBeauty nowadays because my face has been too panget (ugly) lately. I'll make a whole post dedicated to my favorite Youtubers one day. So that's a little teaser of my future blog post. Peace!

27 March 2012

Cleansing Cream

I don't know what to name this post so I just chose a random song. I don't even think it matches with what this is about. If you're wondering, it's Cleansing Cream by Brown Eyed Girls. Moving on~

Tests are coming up next three weeks and I should be studying (which I am but I'm studying/blogging at the same time). Long story but yeah, I'm studying and my head is about to burst from all these Language Arts crap. Funny thing is, the internet is a million times a better teacher than Ms. Shaba-laba-ding-dong here. I just don't like her class because she is so biased! I mean, she didn't even choose me and my other friends to go into this competition thing because she thinks we're retarded. Just because I'm quiet in her class, doesn't mean I'm a retard 'kay? Look how many notes I have to take!

There's actually a whole lot more and thank the heavens I'm actually learning. *smirk* no thanks to her. Also, tomorrow is when I register for my schedule (I got recommended for Math and Science honors, not sure about Social Studies (our teacher didn't tell us yet) and screw L.A if she doesn't recommend me). I don't think she likes me anyways. You see how I emphasized the word her or she? And you see what I did there again? Keke.

HAPPY BURTHDAY HOYA OPPA! *gif spam below*


I know what I want to be when I grow up...a professional sweat wiper! Ooh yeah baby~


24 March 2012

Let It Snow!

I hate spring so much! So many pollen outside and I'm sneezing way too much. But I really can't hate spring all the way since this is the time when it snows where I live. You see the snow falling on my blog? Hehe. Well anyways, another reason why I hate spring is because it's exam week plus two days. I'm glad though because I want to get this over with already. *Sigh* I hate studying so much but it's something I have to do so I can pass that shit ass test. Right now I'm studying/blogging/updating and it's been a pain because Language Arts is not my thing. If only my team would have a better L.A teacher that actually teaches, I wouldn't have to go through all this studying. Ugh! Screw my life (don't worry, I have no problems with life, it's just my normal self during exam month).

Still, I'm pretty happy that testing week is coming up so I can get my life back (being lazy and not studying). Aside from studying, I've been updating my blog and its contents. I've also added a new blogger layout and edited the old ones: Blue and Warm Memories. Feel free to use them and if you want to use them as basecodes, go ahead but ask me first.

Also, I was browsing through Allkpop and decided to try coloring on Kim Yoo Jung (the child actress for The Moon that Embraces the Sun). And I failed OTL. 

One more thing, SCREAM by 2NE1 is so motherfreaking good. I'm listening to it right now while studying. 

22 March 2012

Improving My Graphic Skills

Helluu! Basically the title explains what this post is about. Today, our whole grade got introduced to the electives we could take as a ninth grader. Obviously, I'm still in middle school, considering that America's school system is pretty long, I should say. And this is my last year in middle school (I'm 14 by the way). So, I'm in a battle with myself to either take Video Broadcasting Class or Modern Computing (it's like a web designing class). Gah! Why must it be hard to choose?

You might be thinking "What does this have to do with making graphics?" Well, the counselors said that we also learn how to edit so whoop-dee-doo, might as well improve my skills. I mean, I've started touching GIMP, Photoscape, and all those things when I was 9 but never got into serious things...if you know what I mean. Anyways, I tried coloring below and these were my results. I'm also trying to make a trailer of some random thing if I ever take Video Broadcasting. Gonna post it up once I'm done with it but I can't right now since advanced math has gotten harder.

And below are my results

TADAA! My attempt in making a tumblr edit, a fail right? Speaking of tumblr, why is it going slow on me? Why?! 

19 March 2012

March 19


Wondering what March 19 is? It's my sistar's birthday. The douchebag awesome person who ignores me, kicks me out of her room, who bribes me, who bashes me, who lives with me. For her birthday I made two posters: One is a gif while the other one is a blend of her number one bias of Infinite. If you're reading this (which is not likely), then you better be thankful that I worked my butt off giving you a present. All posters made with Gimp *smirks* and please don't make fun of my suckish poster skills, I just started three months ago. Happy Burthday!


16 March 2012

Think About It


This blog post is about bullying so just warning yaThe definition of bullying (according to google) means using superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. There are many forms of bullying like cyber, verbal, physical, and others. The one I really hate the most is Facebook Bullying. I remember a time when my classmates bullied this "mentally retarded" girl by creating a page called IHM otherwise known as I Hate Mikayla (I Heart Mom if they got caught). To be honest with you, I really didn't like that girl because she annoys me but that doesn't give me the right to bully her. People should really start thinking about how that person is going to react: "Are they going to suicide?" or "Are they going to have revenge?"

Yes, you heard me revenge and suicide. Now, my school has been taught that bullying is bad and they even went to certain measures as to invite a speaker to talk to us about kindness (and no, there's no bullying in my school, not that I know of). One thing they talked about is the Columbine High School Massacre (read at your own risk). I'm not sure if you know about it because it occurred in U.S, so let me tell you a short summary about it:

Two boys were being bullied about how they dressed. Being tired of all this, they decided to shoot their school. 

I'm not really sure if that's the true story, but that's what my Social Studies teacher told me. Anyways, be very cautious of that. Even though that person may not look like the type to do those horrible things, it could happen. Anything is possible. As for suicide, well, it's a really horrible thing (and all of us should know that). *Facepalm* I almost forgot, read this. It's a short story about bullying. The main character used is Myungsoo and trust me I cried reading it. Spread the kindness


13 March 2012

Ranting About Life

Oh lawdie it's testing month. I need to get studying but my lazy ass won't do it (please excuse my language). I mean, I have no problems with studying, but Science and Language Arts is my problem. Science or Physical Science I should say, is so boring like no kidding. We have to take notes everyday and we barely do experiments anymore. With Language Arts, my teacher doesn't teach us anything. To be specific, she does teach us "some" things, but I just can't seem to learn from her because her British-Jamaican accent is so hard to understand, and second is all she does is rap about how we should all get a 6 for our writing exams. Dude, the writing exams has been over for like forever so can we like move on to learning? That's why I learn all my English mechanics and such from google (all hail google) and the internet.

Yay! I got my fancy camera back. I took pictures of random things because I was bored and had nothing to do. I edited them using Photoscape so it's not the real quality you're looking at (and plus I was double bored so why not). Hm...should I take Photography classes as one of my electives? Photo spam ahead.

I love Bath&Body Works. I wish we could go there again (so I could grab all the hand sanitizers there kekes). Who knew soy milk tastes good?

My shadow!

The streets feels like winter (probably the lighting), but it was really hot outside.

I used Gimp for this one because... I don't know, I just did.

11 March 2012

Don't Mind My Fantasies

Quite a short post yesterday huh? I was rushing trying to get my message out because it was pretty late, so hooray for today (that rhymes keke). It's the weekend and it's been raining like crazy because it's spring and spring means...testing! Aish, my brain is about to pop with all these studying and homework. God, I hate procrastinating so much! I've had all these sleepless nights just trying to finish my homework and organize my things together. We also have our new schedules. I got Health and Business Tech  for connections and my academics are still the same: Advance Math, Social Studies, and Science, and normal Language Arts. School is getting harder nowadays. 

On a happier note, our whole grade is going to Six Flags after exams. That's good right? NOT! I remember crying like a little kid when I rode this not-so-scary-roller coaster-courtesy-from-my-idiot-friends. I'm gonna be honest here and say that I am scared of roller coasters. Call me a whimp here but I think they are the scariest things ever. I mean, I'm not gonna risk my life riding something that's not even worth it just to "live my life." It's like riding straight to your death.

 Haha, but I do want this to happen: Me and that Jang Hyunseung look alike guy to be on the same group. I remember posting about me beating him in this Pacer's Test and imagining him as L instead. Gosh,
I 'm already imagining me hugging his back while riding this really fast spinning ferris wheel (I literally puked after riding that). *Sigh* The only times we get to talk is during lunch and we pretty much just bash each other (you know those love-hate relationships). One good thing happened though: he tickled me. I don't know if I should be happy or if I should murder him? Well, I'm just here in front of my computer screen reading fanfics and imagining scenarios with him. Man, I need to get a life... Toodles 

10 March 2012

A New Purple

Holy fadoodles! I came as a runner up for Secret Way's Graphic Challenge. Yay, it's the first time I entered a contest so I'm really happy for myself. Err...new layout again and this time it's purple. I guess it's a little classy because a certain "someone" bashed me how my site looks like trash. Well woop-dee-doo I changed my blog to a more fancyish layout happy now? Gosh, I wanted to feature Gir for Layout #4 (but it doesn't look proper enough courtesy from that "person"). Hehe I'm not naming names here. It's like really late here right not so some things might change tomorrow and I'm going to properly credit people. Peace and see ya tomorrow! That's Gir below.

07 March 2012


Umm...yeah, I have no idea what to talk or blog about today. Actually, I don't think anything spectacular or amazing happened to me this past few days. It's been the same as always: wake up, go to school, blog do homework, practice violin and piano, and don't forget about eating. Argh, my boring life. Did you find this a boring post? I'm not feeling quite well so I do apologize. Instead, I'm going to explain what's been happening to me through pictures (you know to give it some "dazzle"). Sorry for the bad quality pictures. My dad is using my awesome hi-tech camera for our passport pictures. I had to use my iPod to take these pictures.

For my sistar's birthday she got Korean learning books and an Infinite album.

I'm such a fail at baking. I did it for the first time (those are pound cakes by the way).

We had to take passport pictures so my dad covered the dartboard with white sheets.

Nothing like a good toast w/ butter and hot chocolate (even though it's the afternoon already). Hope this wasn't too boring and until then. See ya soon!

03 March 2012

Don't even blink

Hmm...I don't know what to blog about, so prepare for randomness! It's been hell and heaven in school and at home this week. Let me tell you and don't even blink.

1. Someone stuck a note behind my back. 
I actually thought she was complimenting me about my shirt. I knew it was too good to be true. That "girl" was lucky that I didn't read the note or I would have pulverized her. Is this the start of bullying? Hope not (there's actually a whole story about this). 

2. We had to run a mile. 
Remember my old post *look below*. Yes, for me to make up that Pacer's Test, I have to run a whole mile under 11 minutes (which is 4 laps around the track and field). Oh god, I thought I wasn't going to pass. But I did so HA! I had a motivation that if I pass this test, I was going to touch L's back (I've been called a "pervert" by a lot of my friends) and so...I chased this guy that looked like Jang Hyunseung (he was half Korean) and pretended he was L instead. He got tired a few minutes later and I beat him. When I got home, I went to tumblr and stared at L's back (as a reward for passing the test). 

3. Heaven by Ailee
I am so obsessed with this song! That gurl can sing and I have heard a few of her covers in Youtube, like The Climb by Miley Cyrus (although I hated that song) and Unfaithful by Rihanna (it was hilarious when Nigahiga sang that song in one of his videos). Also, she sang Halo by BeyoncĂ© in this variety show? I'm not really sure, but her voice is like...heaven (see what I did there?). In regards of the music video of Heaven, they said the guy with the long hair looked like Jesus. Well, the music is heaven right? I'm glad though, that she ended up with Kikwang instead. Aah! I'm being so judgmental, please don't hate me.

4. New Layout
It's March and I'm working on a new layout. Since it's almost close to my sister's birthday, I'm asking her how she wants the layout to be. I'm such a good sister... Here's a preview. I really love the colors and I'm not pretty sure who to feature yet (probably Ailee, since my sister really likes her).