26 February 2012

Daebak Comeback

I changed the layout again. Why? Because of miss A and Big Bang's comeback. As you can see, the header is Suzy from miss A and the colors are blueish from the song Blue by Big Bang. Such an awesome comeback and I'm pretty happy because I usually listen to comebacks a month or a year later. Like I said earlier, I suck at headers, so please excuse my failure. I also did a blogger layout out of boredom and it is based on Blue by Big Bang. Feel free to download as long as you don't remove the credits and don't use as basecodes (I worked really hard on this you know). Link is below.

Urggh! I'm going back to school tomorrow TT.TT Why does time have to go by fast? Our next break isn't until who-knows-when. *Sigh* I miss school anyways so yipee~ Until then, see ya peeps! 

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