11 January 2011

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What was your previous site called?
Life of an IcecreamPocky (go and laugh, it's a pretty gay name in my opinion). 

2. Where do you get your resources from?
I get them mostly from Deviantart, but if you want to know more, look in my Credits section. 

3. Do you make your own layouts? Can you make me one too?
Yes, I do make my own layouts, but sometimes I get lazy and either request or go to Blogskins. Yes, I can make you a layout, but it's closed for now, due to my violin and school.

4. Why is it that you don't request from other sites?
I wouldn't say that I "never" request from others. The only time I did is at Purple-Sashiin. But the reason why I don't is that I'm scared of being "blackmailed." Also, I feel really indebted to whoever did my layout or poster...just saying. 

5. How long have you been designing?
I've started touching Gimp and Photofiltre when I was about 10 years old. I didn't really get into making a descent layout and graphics until I was 13 or 14-ish. So, about 3 and a half months. 

6. How did you learn html and graphic designing?
I learned it all by myself by going to Google and searching it up (all hail Google!). It was pretty tough for me that nobody was there to tell me what I was doing wrong and where things go. I also go to Youtube to learn how to make graphic designs. 

7. What programs do you use? 
I use Gimp 2.6 and Photoshop CS4. Other programs I use are Photofiltre and Notepad (for layout making). 

8. Can you teach me how to make layouts, graphic designs, and such?
Hmm...sure, just ask me by email. I don't find myself a good "teacher" but I can try.

9. I go to school with you, do you welcome me to your blog?
If you are one of my closest friends, then welcome to my wack-of-a-blog. If not, then click here!

10. I find you annoying, are you mad at me?
Not really because not everyone will like you. But why are you in my blog in the first place?

11. Are you awesome?
Yes, I am. Thank you for asking.

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