22 August 2012

It's Over!

Currently listening to: Lullaby (A Tale of Two Sisters)

Hey people of the web! I am like so tired right now, but I'm forcing myself to update as much as I can before school begins in September. Summer just went by fast and somehow, I feel happy because I miss school. I had a three month vacation you know -.-

So last week, we went to LA (*ahem* Hollywood not Koreatown) by Metrolink and it was cool, I suppose. Though, I thought Hollywood would have that "dazzle" I was hoping for. I did take a picture by Britney Spears's star because she was the only one I know other than George Lopez and Godzilla; I'm not really into American movies that much. The whole thing pissed me off at the end since I got even more tan :( Hollywood was okay overall, but I'd rather visit the Grand Canyon though.

Speaking of which, I'm attempting to write a "horror" or "thriller" story, so bye-bye! Such a lame blog post today. I'm not in the mood right now. 3 more weeks till I officially turn 15!

EDIT: I read over my post again and it's pretty boring. I'll spice it up with this story idea of mine! So yeah I'm trying to write a horror or thriller (?) story, as mentioned from the above. I guess I'm trying to experiment with my capabilities, and since horror is not my genre, I thought I'd give it a try. Here's a preview:

The smell of blood filled the air.

*facepalm* Shisus, I've been so futile these days! So much for a preview... I don't even think that's a preview! It's already embarassing enough that I made Kris a psychotic murderer in this story. At least I made a poster below (and a legit looking one too). I tried to wipe out the unknown girl's face as much as possible so you could imagine the girl instead.

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