28 July 2012

Gif Game, Because I felt like it ^^

I think I'll be gone for 4 days, so might as well post something interesting. Every 3rd gif!

1. Your parent’s reaction to your birth:

Glad they're cool with it 8D

2. Your first day home:

Texting ey?

3. Your first memory:

4. Your first birthday:

Yepp~ I spent too much money on my gift.

5. Learning to walk:

6. Learning to talk:

With the help from the internet xD

7. First day of school:


8. First friend:

Dongwoo, you dork :P

9. Learning that there is no Santa:

10. First day of middle school:

11. First day of high school:

12. Reaction to scary freshman rumors:

13. How your best friends see you:

So I'm a crybaby?

14: How you see your best friends:

LOL! Connie xDDD

15: How you see your enemies:

Nuuu!! Why you do this to me?!

16: How your enemies see you:

Oh, dear O_O At least I have Kikwang and Yoseob to hug.

17. Learning to drive:

18. Reaction to graduating:

Haha, I'm too shocked.

19. Reaction to getting into the college you want:


20. When you graduate from college:

Um... okies.

21. When you get your dream job:

22. What you do at that job:

23. Your reaction to getting proposed to:

Yes, I do :D

24. Getting married:

Haha, good one!

25. Reaction to having your first child:

Yup, that's me :)

26. Your first child:

Hello Junhyung *perverted stare*

27. When you retire from your job:

28. Reaction to your kids sending you to a nursing home:

29: How you die:

I see, I die because of a spazz attack.

30: How people react to your funeral:

I guess it's because of how I died.

31: You in the after life:

Dang, I'm still a pervert?

32: Your resurrection will be:

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